Our Story

On October 1,  2015 our sweet Kennedy Leigh Johnson was born. 6lb 12oz 21in of pure beauty. Unfortunately, we were not thrown into the duties of a newborn; changing diapers, breastfeeding, bringing this new life home to meet her brother but rather planning a funeral, deciding burial or cremation, and figuring out how we even survive from moment to moment with our perfect baby girl gone and now in the arms of Jesus instead of ours. Looking back the Lord was with us completely in those traumatic days in the hospital because we both knew that we needed to (1) Glorify the Lord through Kennedy’s death (2) Honor Kennedy’s life and make it purposeful somehow. We had no idea how those were going to look but we were in continuous prayer about it.


Right away we were blessed with an incredible amount of support; physically, emotionally, and financially. We realized soon that we also wanted to support others going through the pain and journey that we were experiencing as well. Starting this Foundation was a way that we could honor Kennedy’s life and bless others going through the same tragedy. As unbearable and painful as life has been since Kennedy passed away it has been a privilege to be able to bless, support, and tangibly help those families navigating the same journey of loss, grief, and sorrow.

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